Dangers of E-cigarettes

E-cigs are more than a fad, but some young people are unaware of the addiction they're signing up for. These users are sounding the alarm.
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All about prevention

It looks harmless. But it’s packed with nicotine and other harmful products. Nearly 2/3 of young Juul users don’t know that. Now, this freshman student is sounding the alarms according to the Truth initiative. 3 million American teens are using e-cigarettes, because they think it’s healthier than smoking based on a report from the American Academy of Pediatrics.

“Many kids think that these e-cigarettes have just water vapor when, in reality, it sees infinitesimally small metal particulates. Once you start to juul, it's very very hard to stop. We felt that it was important to educate teenagers on exactly what's going into these e-cigarettes. There's a huge massive disinformation that teenagers are subscribing to. Like cigarettes, juuling can lead to tobacco addiction. Some of my friends have tried using cigarettes and it’s because they have been juuling because they’re so used to juuling that they just think it’s ok to use cigarettes. If you take away those flavors, then you really take away the initiation. And that's all about prevention. And that's really what we're all about at Students Against Nicotine. We're connecting with passionate youth across the nation, and like-minded organizations to advance our initiative and our vision of a tobacco-free youth population. There have been deaths and there have been a lot of other problems. People think it’s an easy solution to cigarettes, but it’s turned out that it has its own difficulties,” explains Jack Solomon.

The expression “juuling” comes from the Juul — a popular vaping device. Jack Waxman produced Juulers against Juul — to spread awareness. His goal: subject e-cigarettes to the same rules as Cigarettes — and ban flavors. At least six people have died from vaping-related lung disease. On September 11, 2019, President Trump announced that the FDA would remove non-tobacco flavored e-cigarettes from the market.
