President Trump Loves America

President Trump says if you speak ill of America, you're welcome to leave. But does that rule apply to him?

What does President Trump have to say about America?

Now that he’s president, Donald Trump is adamant that criticizing America or him — especially if you’re a Democratic congresswoman of color — is somehow crossing the line. Alluding to such critiques, he said, “you can’t talk that way about our country. Not when I’m the president.” Trump’s criticisms of the Obama-era America extended all the way through his inauguration, during which he said he was taking the reins of a country mired in “American Carnage” — and have continued to the present.

Trump’s words, according to Stephen Miller, were part of a political campaign to put America first and were not intended to sow discord, while the first-term lawmakers are bent on expressing “anti-American sentiment.” House policy adviser Stephen Miller struggled mightily to explain why taking aim at the president was okay while Obama was in office but isn’t now. Senior Advisor to the president on Policy Stephen Miller first insisted that Trump, in contrast with Ocasio-Cortez and company, is a champion of “the principles of Western civilization,” the implication being that Obama and the congresswomen of color he’s been feuding with are not. Miller ultimately resorted to arguing that Trump’s policies are right whereas Obama’s were not — and that therefore, Trump was justified in criticizing the government in a way the Democratic congresswomen in question are not.

Dozens of examples like this could be cited. During the Obama years, Trump wrote that “our country is going to hell,” “broken,” falling apart,” “truly in a mess,” and — in another memorable one posted just before his presidential run — “a laughing stock that is going to hell.” And it wasn’t just tweets — during his presidential campaign, running down America was a regular part of Trump’s speeches. Then again, as is the case with many things having to do with Trump and his behavior, it’s hard to explain the inexplicable.

