The Sims 4 gets more inclusive

Players of The Sims 4 can now create transgender characters and give their Sims top surgery scars, gender-affirming clothing, and “medical wearables.”
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An update to better represent the LGBTQIA+ community

In its latest released update, the game will now allow gamers to create transgender characters and give them top surgery scars, as well as gender-affirming “binders” and shapewear. 

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A new “Medical Wearables” category in Create a Sim will also let players give their characters hearing aids and glucose monitors. This isn’t the first time EA Games, the publisher of The Sims franchise, has released an update to better represent the LGBTQIA+ community. 

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Previous releases allowed players to customize their Sims without a gender limit on haircut, voice, body type, or clothing choices. As of last year, it’s also possible to choose a Sim’s pronouns and sexual orientation within the game. 

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